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Otopharynx brooksi is living in open water in the neighbourhood of the intermediate zones from rocks to sand. They can be found in the southeastern part of Lake Malawi, mainly near Makokola Reef and Boadzulu Island. The examples shown here however were found in the neighbourhood of Lupingu in the northern part of the lake and are bearing resemblance with Otopharynx brooksi from the southern part of the lake, thatīs why its called Otopharynx cf.brooksi "Lupingu".

In the middle of 2018 I (Thimo) bought a young trio of this species, one male and two females, they were about 6-7 cm then. At the moment (march 2021) I have sold them because I`m going to move but at that time it were young fish from which the male was about 12 cm and the females were about 10 cm. In the lake the males of these species can grow to 18 cm, in the aquarium however they can grow a little taller because of a good feeding. The males can then grow to about 20 cm, females grow to about 16 cm.
The whole day they were frequently hiding between the rocks in this tank, however in general they showed themselves quite well. Up till then the male was very tolerant against his females. The male was just very slowly starting to get some color however unfortunately I can`t see them growing up because I`m going to move towards another house through which I temporary had to sell my tank and all my fish. They were also very tolerant against the other inhabitants and they have also been accepted by the other fish in this tank.

In the lake they are mainly feeding themselves with young fish.
In the aquarium they were comfortable with any food. They took everything they got offered but mainly they got krill, mysis, shrimp-peas mix and sometimes artemia.

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